How about a Smile Makeover? – Collingwood Dentist

Smilemakeover Collingwood Dentist

At Stanley Street Dental, we understand the importance of oral health, of oral functionality, and the way those two aspects of your life can significantly impact how you feel about the world. It may sound trivial on paper, but if you’ve ever had a toothache or someone has made you feel self-conscious about your teeth and how they appear, then that notion can certainly disappear rather quickly. The truth is, your teeth matter. Obviously, you want them to work well and allow you to eat and drink without any pain or interference, but beyond the functional side of good oral health, there are certainly things the Stanley Street Dental team can do to improve your smile.

That’s why we’re now asking the question…How about a smile makeover?

Don’t stress if the answer is ‘yes.’ In fact, and if you are unhappy with your smile, you’re not alone. Millions of people around the world have visited cosmetic dentists to repair a chipped or broken tooth (or teeth), brighten the unsightly effects of stained teeth, or undergone modern dental procedures to straighten their smile. Stanley Street Dental not only boast an expert and well-experienced team of dental practitioners, but we also have some of the latest and most efficient technology when it comes to general, restorative, and cosmetic dental today. In fact, there are a wide range of treatments that our team can help you with, to achieve the look you’ve always wanted. Below are a list of options and services we offer as a Collingwood Dentist, as part of improving your oral health and giving your smile a professional makeover.

Teeth whitening

Teeth WhiteningOver time, it is almost inevitable that your will change colour, and there are a number of reasons why. From cigarettes and cigars that leave nasty deposits of tar and nicotine behind, to coffee and wine which contain pigments that can darken the teeth, and even some fruits and vegetables that contain acid that eats away at your enamel, allowing the darker dentin to show through, can be the culprit. Our professional teeth whitening services here at Stanley Street Dental can reverse these effects and restore your teeth to their pearly white state.

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers are an option if your enamel is too thin, your discoloration is due to trauma, or you have other tooth issues, in which, traditional teeth whitening may not be an option. But that doesn’t mean you’re destined to live out your days with yellowed or stained teeth. Not at all.
Our Collingwood Dentist provide’s high-quality veneers in which bonds thin porcelain shells to the front of your teeth, and where each veneer is individually sculpted to fit your individual teeth. Not only can this procedure make your teeth look whiter, but veneers can also disguise tiny chips or even small gaps between your teeth.

Dental Bridge

Sometimes a tooth has more than just a little chip; maybe it’s broken or worn down due to grinding or overuse, leaving gaps. Some people are even born with small or misshapen teeth. In cases like these, dental bridging may be the solution to fixing your smile. Bridging is the process of using a prosthetic device that are cemented onto existing teeth or implants in order to cover unsightly gaps and unwanted spaces. Gaps in your smile can be embarrassing, but over time, they can also cause your other teeth to shift, which can ultimately lead to a poor bite and diminished smile.

Crowns and Teeth Fillings

Dental CrownModern dentistry has advanced a lot in modern times. Instead of a metal tooth or metallic fillings, we now have much more natural and safer alternatives. In fact, Stanley Street Dental can now replace your older fillings with white composite material that looks more like your natural teeth, once again, restoring the beauty to your smile. Broken, misshapen, or cracked teeth can also be replaced with natural crowns. Your Collingwood dentist will shape your damaged tooth into a secure base and will then bond a composite tooth sculpted to fit perfectly. Not only does this improve the appearance of your smile, but it also gives you a natural bite and sharpens your speech.


Dental implants

Sometimes, a smile can become a little less attractive if you’ve lost a tooth or teeth unexpectedly. If that is the case, Stanley Street Dental can arrange quality dental implants to replace a single tooth or even a whole mouthful of teeth, if necessary. Beyond just the look, dental implants also help protect your jaw from the bone damage that occurs following the loss of your tooth. They also function just like your normal teeth. So, if you’ve been wanting to get some professional dental work done or give your smile a makeover, why not contact us today or make an online appointment? If you’re in the Collingwood area, feel free to drop into our clinic also. Your smile makeover will be ready in no time

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